Cylinder heads are an integral part of all engines. All of the heads sold here sit on top of the blocks. The cylinder head Is where the air And fuel both come into the engine And leave the combustion chamber. The valves open And close to facilitate this And correct timing Is critical.
There are two main materials for cylinder heads. Most cars use aluminum for the superior heat transfer ability. Most trucks use cast iron to handle high boost pressures. All of the cylinder heads I sell are cast iron.
Cylinder heads can fail in many ways. They can warp causing the head gasket to fail And coolant to enter combustion. They can also crack And cause leaks. Sometimes this can be hard to diagnose, because the problem can be intermittent. They can also just wear out over time And stop sealing. This Is where the valves don't seal well against the head And the engine loses compression. The engine then gets hard to start might lose power, but hard starting and smoke are the normal symptoms of leaky valves. A New cylinder head will fix all these problems!
Here are the cylinder heads:
  3802339 Complete 4BT Cylinder Head
  3906412 Valve Spring
  3903938 Cylinder Head Bolt
  3903939 Cylinder Head Bolt
  3920781 Rocker Arm Bolt
  3921394 6BT 12v Cylinder Head Gasket
  3921640 Valve Stem Seals
  3930652 Complete 6BT Cylinder Head
  4BT 8V Bare Cylinder Head
  3936154 Complete 6CT 12v Cylinder Head
  3936154 Bare 6CT 12v Cylinder Head
  3942989 Valve Stem Seal
  3943161 Valve Spring
  3943198 Valve Spring Seat
  3945438 Valev Stem Seal
  3966454 Bare Cylinder Head
  4089263 Cylinder Head Gasket Set
  4089790 Cylinder Head Gasket Set
  4936080 Valve Spring