5291204 HPFP Gear Cummins
 5291204 HPFP Gear  52 912 04 H

Used High Pressure Fuel Pump (HPFP) Gear for Cummins ISB Engines.



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Part Number: 5291204

Weight: 2 lbs.

Price: $22.00
Short Product Description:

Used 5291204 HPFP Gear

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Questions and Answers:

Q: Is this the gear that fits on the shaft of the HPFP? 8/8/2024
A: Yes, the gear fits on the shaft and resides in the gear housing.

Q: Why should I need this replacement part?
A: I assume that people damage these when they are taking them off of the high pressure pump. They can get stuck on.

Description: Used 5291204 HPFP Gear
Price: $22.00

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